Which one is better, Lenovo or HP?

Which laptop should you prefer Lenovo, Dell, HP, & Mac? - Lapserve

It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you're looking for a reliable, durable laptop that is well-suited for business use, Lenovo or Dell may be your best bet. If you're on a tight budget, HP may be a good option, but be aware of the potential for hardware failures.Mar 2, 2023
Source : https://www.lapserve.com/post/which-laptop-should-you-prefer-lenovo-dell-hp-mac

Which brand of computer is the most reliable?

Best Computer Brands Ranked in America's Most Trusted Study

TOP 9 Ranked Computer Brands – 2024 Study1Apple★★★★★2HP★★★★3Microsoft☆☆☆4Dell☆☆☆5Samsung☆☆☆4 more rows
Source : https://www.lifestoryresearch.com/2024-best-computer-ranking-review

Is a 5 year old computer too old?

5 Signs It's Time to Replace an Old Computer

Age. I recommend replacing any device that is more than 5 years old. This is a good rule of thumb for budgeting purposes. Also, proactively replacing old hardware before performance problems start to disrupt productivity will save money in the long run.Dec 1, 2022
Source : https://invario.net/old-computer/

Is a 10 year old laptop worth keeping?

Should You Repair or Replace your Old Laptop in 2023? - Dr. Phone Fix

Technology is moving at a great pace and there is plenty of performance improvement and efficiency factors. People using laptops five years old or more should consider getting a new laptop in most cases. However, if you bought a laptop with a flagship CPU, and GPU, then the same laptop is worth getting the repair.May 11, 2023
Source : https://www.docphonefix.com/should-you-repair-or-replace-your-old-laptop-in-2023

Is it bad to leave your PC on 24/7?

Is it ok to leave your computer on 24/7? Here are the facts - Asurion

Your computer's moving parts, like hard drives HDDs, might wear out faster with constant use. Prolonged use can lead to heat buildup and overheating, potentially affecting the lifespan of components like the CPU and GPU—parts that could be costly to repair or replace.Feb 15, 2024
Source : https://www.asurion.com/connect/tech-tips/is-it-ok-to-leave-your-computer-on/

Is it worth fixing a 7 year old computer?

When is a computer no longer worth fixing? - TickTockTech

Computer Age If a computer is more than five years old, the cost of repairs may not be worth it because the components may be obsolete and difficult to find. Furthermore, the cost of repairing an older computer may be greater than the cost of purchasing a new one.May 13, 2023
Source : https://ticktocktech.com/blog/2023/05/13/when-is-a-computer-no-longer-worth-fixing/